Results for 'E. Marin Padilla'

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  1. Notes on the relation of the Moors of the Zaragoza aljama and converts of its community (15th century).E. Marin Padilla - 2003 - Al-Qantara 24 (1):169-178.
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    Reptilian cortex and mammalian neocortex early developmental homologies.Miguel Marín-Padilla - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):560-561.
    I agree with the view expressed in the target article that the early structural organization of the mammalian neocortex (the primordial neocortical organization) is different from its final one and resembles the more primitive organization of reptilian cortex. During the early development of the neocortex, a distinctly mammalian multilayered pyramidal-cell plate is introduced within a more primitive reptilian-like cortex, establishing simultaneously layer I (marginal zone) above it and layer VII (subplate zone) below it. This multilayered pyramidal-cell plate represents a recent (...)
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    Learning and exploration: Lessons from infants.Karen E. Adolph, Ludovic M. Marin & Frederic F. Fraisse - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):213-214.
    Based on studies with infants, we expand on Stoffregen & Bardy's explanation of perceptual motor errors, given the global array. Information pick-up from the global array is not sufficient without adequate exploratory movements and learning to support perceptually guided activity.
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    Constructivism: Defense or a Continual Critical Appraisal A Response to Gil-Pérez et al.Mansoor Niaz, Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Alicia Benarroch, Liberato Cardellini, Carlos E. Laburú, Nicolás Marín, Luis A. Montes, Robert Nola, Yuri Orlik, Lawrence C. Scharmann, Chin-Chung Tsai & Georgios Tsaparlis - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (8):787-797.
    This commentary is a critical appraisal of Gil-Pérez et al.'s (2002) conceptualization of constructivism. It is argued that the following aspects of their presentation are problematic: (a) Although the role of controversy is recognized, the authors implicitly subscribe to a Kuhnian perspective of `normal' science; (b) Authors fail to recognize the importance of von Glasersfeld's contribution to the understanding of constructivism in science education; (c) The fact that it is not possible to implement a constructivist pedagogy without a constructivist epistemology (...)
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  5. Investigación sobre la conducta del 'alamin' de Aranda, Mahoma de Ovecar, en 1489.Encarnación Marín Padilla - 1993 - Al-Qantara 14 (2):275-292.
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  6. Los moros de Calatorao, lugar aragonés de señorío, en los siglos XIV y XV (I).Encarnación Marín Padilla - 1988 - Al-Qantara 9 (2):249-296.
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    «Testament» de Mahoma de Anzeyt, alias «el Marranchano», preso en 1466.Encarnación Marín Padilla - 2001 - Al-Qantara 22 (2):349-356.
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  8. Los moros de Calatorao, lugar aragonés de señorío en los siglos XIV y XV (II).Encarnación Marín Padilla - 1989 - Al-Qantara 10 (1):175-214.
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    Notas sobre la relación de moros de la Aljama de Zaragoza y conversos de su comunidad (siglo XV).Encarnación Marín Padilla - 2003 - Al-Qantara 24 (1):169-178.
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    Neural Correlates of Long-Term Memory Enhancement Following Retrieval Practice.Eugenia Marin-Garcia, Aaron T. Mattfeld & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Retrieval practice, relative to further study, leads to long-term memory enhancement known as the “testing effect.” The neurobiological correlates of the testing effect at retrieval, when the learning benefits of testing are expressed, have not been fully characterized. Participants learned Swahili-English word-pairs and were assigned randomly to either the Study-Group or the Test-Group. After a week delay, all participants completed a cued-recall test while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. The Test-Group had superior memory for the word-pairs compared to the Study-Group. (...)
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  11. The breastfeeding programme in Brazil.P. Marin, Y. P. de Oliveira, M. T. Asquith, M. M. Wellington, I. Narayanan, M. Carballo, R. E. Jones, D. Munyakho, R. A. Bell & H. Marcovitch - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (1):153-60.
  12.  27
    Ethical, legal and medical implications of the human genome project. A Spanish perspective.E. Marin, R. Amils & A. Ruiz Miguel - 1993 - Global Bioethics 6 (2):113-119.
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    Heuristic Formulation of a Contextual Statistic Theory for Groundwater.O. López-Corona, P. Padilla, O. Escolero & E. Morales-Casique - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (1):75-83.
    Some of the most relevant problems today both in Science and practical problems involves Coupled Socio-ecological Systems, which are some of the best examples of Complex Systems. In this work we discuss groundwater-management as an example of these Coupled Socio-ecological System, also known as Coupled Human and Natural Systems. We argue that it is possible and even necessary to construct a contextual statistical theory of groundwater management. Contextuality implies some very different statistical features as entanglement and complementarity. We discuss some (...)
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  14. Young children's experience of referentiality and nonreferentiality in dialogue.Marine Le Mené, Anne Salazar Orvig, Christine da Silva-Genest & Haydée Marcos - 2024 - In Michael C. Ewing & Ritva Laury (eds.), (Non)referentiality in conversation. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    Il piede diabetico: caso clinico.S. Ninkovic, M. G. Marin & E. Brocco - 2011 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 4 (1):14-15.
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  16. The dominance of static depth cues over motion parallax in the perception of surface orientation.V. Cornilleau-Péres, E. Marin & J. Droulez - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25--40.
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    The Power of EI Competencies Over Intelligence and Individual Performance: A Task-Dependent Model.Margarida Truninger, Xavier Fernández-I.-Marín, Joan M. Batista-Foguet, Richard E. Boyatzis & Ricard Serlavós - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Fratele fiului risipitor.Anca Sîrghie, Marin Diaconu, Aurel Cioran & E. M. Cioran (eds.) - 2012 - Cluj-Napoca: Eikon.
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    Mobility and Navigation among the Yucatec Maya.Elizabeth Cashdan, Karen L. Kramer, Helen E. Davis, Lace Padilla & Russell D. Greaves - 2016 - Human Nature 27 (1):35-50.
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  20. Tribulación e infinito lo mesiánico en la filosofía contemporánea (2nd edition).Sharon Padilla - 2015 - Sapiens Research 5:45-50.
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    Le Siècle de la légèreté: émergences d'un paradigme du dix-huitième siècle français.Marine Ganofsky & Jean-Alexandre Perras (eds.) - 2019 - [Liverpool]: Liverpool University Press on behalf of Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford.
    La France est une nation légère - ce lieu commun antique est abondamment repris tout au long du XVIIIe siècle, témoignant de profonds bouleversements axiologiques, scientifiques et éthiques, dont ce volume collectif cherche à mesurer l'importance et les enjeux, en racontant l'histoire d'un autre siècle des Lumières: celle d'un siècle de la Légèreté. Ce volume collectif offre une perspective interdisciplinaire, croisant les champs d'études concernés par la question de la légèreté. Les 15 articles réunis analysent tant la peinture que la (...)
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    Instituto de relaciones Internacionales e Investigaciones para la Paz (Guatemala).Leonel Padilla - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 7 (16):123-126.
    Studies on peace is the principal answer to resolving problems of social conflict. New forms of political democracy require the participation of citizens based on tolerance and non-violence. The historic present being experienced by humanity makes this demand. This is the reason why we must pr..
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    La traversée des signes.Louis Marin - 2019 - Paris: Éditions EHESS. Edited by Francesca Piolot & Pierre-Antoine Fabre.
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    Alipio e la Topica Della Conversione (Conf. VI, 7,11-12).Marcello Marin - 2003 - Augustinianum 43 (2):435-452.
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    Étude sur la langue de la philosophie morale chez Cicéron.Marin O. Lişcu - 1930 - Paris,: Société d'édition "Les Belles lettres".
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    Etiquetas e comportamentos durante a viagem pastoral de D. Carlos Luiz D’Amour ao sul da Diocese de Cuiabá.Jérri Roberto Marin - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2137-2167.
    This article studies the etiquette diffusion and the reform of behavior during the pastoral visit of D. Carlos Luiz D'Amour, south of the Diocese of Cuiabá, in 1886. The source is the diary written by the private secretary Canon Bento Severiano da Luz. In such diary, the paths of the party were narrated as well as its major events and achievements, having the bishop as the central character. One of the objectives of the trip was to spread new patterns of (...)
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    O Núncio Alessandro Bavona e a expansão das circunscrições eclesiásticas no Brasil entre 1907 e 1911.Jérri Roberto Marin - forthcoming - Horizonte:206111-206111.
    Este artigo analisa as políticas e estratégias da Santa Sé para criar novas circunscrições eclesiásticas durante a gestão do núncio apostólico Alessandro Bavona, que atuou entre 1907 e 1911. Serão enfocadas as relações entre a Santa Sé, que formulava projetos para reformar, fortalecer e expandir a Igreja Católica, e o episcopado brasileiro, que, muitas vezes, resistiu, colocou obstáculos e retardou o avanço dessas políticas. As fontes foram obtidas no _Arquivo Apostólico Vaticano_ e no _Arquivo Histórico da Sagrada Congregação dos Trabalhos (...)
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    Uncertain About Uncertainty: How Qualitative Expressions of Forecaster Confidence Impact Decision-Making With Uncertainty Visualizations.Lace M. K. Padilla, Maia Powell, Matthew Kay & Jessica Hullman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:579267.
    When forecasting events, multiple types of uncertainty are often inherently present in the modeling process. Various uncertainty typologies exist, and each type of uncertainty has different implications a scientist might want to convey. In this work, we focus on one type of distinction betweendirect quantitative uncertaintyandindirect qualitative uncertainty. Direct quantitative uncertainty describes uncertainty about facts, numbers, and hypotheses that can be communicated in absolute quantitative forms such as probability distributions or confidence intervals. Indirect qualitative uncertainty describes the quality of knowledge (...)
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    An evolutionary history of F12 gene: Emergence, loss, and vulnerability with the environment as a driver.Sabino Padilla, Roberto Prado & Eduardo Anitua - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (12):2300077.
    In the context of macroevolutionary transitions, environmental changes prompted vertebrates already bearing genetic variations to undergo gradual adaptations resulting in profound anatomical, physiological, and behavioral adaptations. The emergence of new genes led to the genetic variation essential in metazoan evolution, just as was gene loss, both sources of genetic variation resulting in adaptive phenotypic diversity. In this context, F12‐coding protein with defense and hemostatic roles emerged some 425 Mya, and it might have contributed in aquatic vertebrates to the transition from (...)
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  30. Études sémiologiques.Louis Marin - 1971 - Paris,: Klincksieck.
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    Filozofia istoriei: orientări și tendințe contemporane.Marin Badea & Pamfil Nichițelea - 1982 - București: Editura Politică. Edited by Pamfil Nichițelea.
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    Cultura política Nova: Marilena chaui na secretaria municipal de cultura.Marinê De Souza Pereira - 2017 - Cadernos Espinosanos 36:139-155.
    Homenagem a Marilena em forma de uma breve pesquisa sobre o período em que ela esteve à frente da SMC-SP, tendo como referência, principalmente, os seus próprios textos e relatos a respeito dessa experiência institucional.
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    Antropología de Wittgenstein: reflexionando con P.M.S. Hacker.Jesús Padilla Gálvez & P. M. S. Hacker (eds.) - 2011 - Pozuelo de Alarcón: Plaza y Valdés.
    La antropología filosófica de L. Wittgenstein está siendo discutida intensamente desde diferentes puntos de vista. El libro reflexiona alrededor de la propuesta de P. M. S. Hacker de su trabajo ‘El enfoque antropológico y etnológico de Wittgenstein’. El autor se interroga si cuando adoptamos una visión antropológica ubicamos nuestra posición externamente, para ver las cosas objetivamente. Para ello, se analiza el problema vinculado a la gramática y su constitución conceptual. Plantea hasta que punto compartimos los conceptos que usamos en nuestro (...)
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    La definizione agostiniana di antifrasi e la sua fortuna.Marcello Marin - 1985 - Augustinianum 25 (1-2):329-341.
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    On the spuriousness of the symbolic/subsymbolic distinction.Marin S. Marinov - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (3):253-70.
    The article criticises the attempt to establish connectionism as an alternative theory of human cognitive architecture through the introduction of thesymbolic/subsymbolic distinction (Smolensky, 1988). The reasons for the introduction of this distinction are discussed and found to be unconvincing. It is shown that thebrittleness problem has been solved for a large class ofsymbolic learning systems, e.g. the class oftop-down induction of decision-trees (TDIDT) learning systems. Also, the process of articulating expert knowledge in rules seems quite practical for many important domains, (...)
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    Medios de comunicación e inmigración de musulmanes.Juan Manuel Ortega Marín - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones:191-200.
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    Expectativas e sentimentos de mães solteiras sobre a experiência do parto.Angela Helena Marin, Tagma Marina Schneider Donelli, Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes & Cesar Augusto Piccinini - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 29:57-72.
  38. Cultura, sociedad e identidad: presencia hispana en los Estados Unidos de América.Francisco Marcos Marín - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 78:28-35.
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  39. 1001 de Feţe Ale AdevăRului șI Minciunii.Gheorghe Marin - 1972 - [București],: "Albatros,".
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    Phenomenology as Grammar.Jesús Padilla Gálvez (ed.) - 2008 - Heusenstamm [Germany]: De Gruyter.
    This volume gathers papers, which were read at the congress held at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo (Spain), in September 2007, under the general subject of phenomenology. The book is devoted to Wittgenstein s thoughts on phenomenology. One of its aims is to consider and examine the lasting importance of phenomenology for philosophic discussion. For E. Husserl phenomenology was a discipline that endeavoured to describe how the world is constituted and experienced through a series of conscious acts. His (...)
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    Physical and Physiological Match-Play Demands and Player Characteristics in Futsal: A Systematic Review.Konstantinos Spyrou, Tomás T. Freitas, Elena Marín-Cascales & Pedro E. Alcaraz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Application of Supervised Machine Learning for Behavioral Biomarkers of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Electrodermal Activity and Virtual Reality.Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Javier Marín-Morales, Juan L. Higuera-Trujillo, Elena Olmos, Maria E. Minissi, Gonzalo Teruel Garcia, Marian Sirera & Luis Abad - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Deep problems with neural network models of human vision.Jeffrey S. Bowers, Gaurav Malhotra, Marin Dujmović, Milton Llera Montero, Christian Tsvetkov, Valerio Biscione, Guillermo Puebla, Federico Adolfi, John E. Hummel, Rachel F. Heaton, Benjamin D. Evans, Jeffrey Mitchell & Ryan Blything - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e385.
    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have had extraordinary successes in classifying photographic images of objects and are often described as the best models of biological vision. This conclusion is largely based on three sets of findings: (1) DNNs are more accurate than any other model in classifying images taken from various datasets, (2) DNNs do the best job in predicting the pattern of human errors in classifying objects taken from various behavioral datasets, and (3) DNNs do the best job in predicting (...)
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    Estudo sobre as categorias de interpretação das Matrizes Coloridas de Raven e DFH-Escala Sisto.Fabián Javier Marín Rueda & Fermino Fernandes Sisto - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 23:17-26.
    O objetivo do estudo foi verificar evidência de validade simultânea para o Desenho da Figura Humana-Escala Sisto. Mais especificamente se o DFH-Escala Sisto diferencia as categorias de interpretação fornecidas pelo manual das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven. Participaram 279 crianças do Ens..
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    História esquecida da Guerra do Paraguai: fome, doenças e penalidades.Jérri Roberto Marin - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (3):1449-1453.
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    Clarifying status of DNNs as models of human vision.Jeffrey S. Bowers, Gaurav Malhotra, Marin Dujmović, Milton L. Montero, Christian Tsvetkov, Valerio Biscione, Guillermo Puebla, Federico Adolfi, John E. Hummel, Rachel F. Heaton, Benjamin D. Evans, Jeffrey Mitchell & Ryan Blything - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e415.
    On several key issues we agree with the commentators. Perhaps most importantly, everyone seems to agree that psychology has an important role to play in building better models of human vision, and (most) everyone agrees (including us) that deep neural networks (DNNs) will play an important role in modelling human vision going forward. But there are also disagreements about what models are for, how DNN–human correspondences should be evaluated, the value of alternative modelling approaches, and impact of marketing hype in (...)
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    Le robot et la pensée: contre-philosophie de l'homme-machine.Pascal Marin - 2019 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    Pourquoi a-t-on raison de se révolter contre l'homme-machine et le monde mécanique qu'entraînent les mutations technologiques incontrôlées? Et si, contre les robots, la fragilité faisait l'humanité? Un traité philosophique, un manuel de combat. Dans cet essai de philosophie contemporaine, Pascal Marin rassemble un large faisceau d'arguments contre ceux qui entendent faire de l'homme une machine. De chapitre en chapitre, il dénonce le fantasme du transhumanisme californien, qui s'exporte aujourd'hui à travers des médias en mal de sujets. Mais selon (...), cette crise du sens de l'humain est peut-être une chance pour la pensée : elle contraint à mieux prendre la mesure de la vie qui demeure énigmatique à la science. Cette enquête d'anthropologie radicale progresse donc par des chemins insolites jusqu'à atteindre à l'ironie d'un constat paradoxal : ce pouvoir technicien fascinant, qui semble sans limite, aurait pour cause le rapport intime que l'homme entretient depuis toujours avec le raté, la panne, le bug, bref tout ce qui peut mettre justement une machine en défaut. Un cri d'alerte, où l'intelligence et le style convainquent à chaque page. (shrink)
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  48. Self-Views and Positive Psychology Constructs Among Second Language Learners in Japan, Taiwan, and the United States.Xinjie Chen, J. Lake & Amado M. Padilla - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study is the first to empirically test a hierarchical, positive-oriented model of self and its relationship to the second language (L2) achievement motivation, and compare it in three different cultural contexts of Japan, U.S. and Taiwan. Based on the L2 self model (Lake, 2016), three levels of constructs were developed: Global Self (i.e., Flourishing, Curiosity, and Hope); Positive L2 domain self (i.e., interested-in-L2 self, harmonious passion for L2 learning, and mastery L2 goal orientation); and L2 Motivational Variables (i.e., (...)
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  49.  53
    Dom Francisco de Aquino Corrêa e a construção da identidade mato-grossense.Jérri Roberto Marin - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):780-811.
    Apresenta-se neste artigo o papel desempenhado pelo bispo e arcebispo de Cuiabá Dom Francisco de Aquino Corrêa na construção da identidade mato-grossense, entre as décadas de 1910 a 1930. Como governador de Mato Grosso, interveio na esfera cultural a fim de fortalecer as elites cuiabanas e superar as crises política, econômica e social. Para tal, arregimentou um grupo de intelectuais que se empenharam na construção da identidade regional assentada na idealização das terras e do homem mato-grossense, superando os estigmas de (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir et ses lectrices.Marine Rouch - 2020 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 30 (2):225-251.
    Résumé À partir des lettres reçues par Beauvoir de la part de ses lectrices, l’ article étudie d’ abord la réception et l’ appropriation de l’ œuvre de l’ écrivaine par une partie des femmes des années 1950 et 1960 : Le Deuxième Sexe et l’ entreprise autobiographique sont au centre de ce processus. La lettre à l’ écrivain.e permettant une concrétisation du lectorat aux yeux de l’ écrivain.e, l’ hypothèse d’ une influence en retour des lectrices sur le parcours (...)
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